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Mission + Vision

Our Mission

The Church’s primary aim and objective is to practice and propagate what our Lord Jesus Christ commanded in Mark 16:15-16: “go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature, he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved…, and in Matthew 25:40 “in as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these brethren, ye have done it unto me.” PIWC North York exists to bring all people everywhere to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ through the proclamation of the Gospel, the planting of Churches and the equipping of believers for every God-glorifying service. It demonstrates the love of God through the provision of social services in partnership with governments, communities, and other like-minded organizations.


- To share the good news of God’s love, forgiveness of sin, healing, and deliverance from the power of darkness, provision for today and hope for eternal life here-after, to the diverse peoples of Canada irrespective of colour, race, or ethnic background.


- To preach and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the spiritually lost, disciple and nurture them to be Christ-centered, Holy Spirit filled, doctrinally sound, and mature saints in God’s Kingdom.


- To establish and maintain a friendly multicultural Christian fellowship where every member is an important integral part of the family.


- To worship the Lord in spirit and in truth with all kinds of musical instruments and songs that inspire the soul and spirit but are culturally sensitive.


- To provide Systematic Teachings that are theologically sound and balanced.


- To equip all members to become responsible leaders/ministers for ministry.


- To offer holistic ministry to the needs of the total person (including spiritual, material, emotional, intellectual, physical, and social).


- To mobilize material and educational resources toward the promotion of the Church’s International Missionary mandate especially in Africa and other developing countries.

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